Fees & Charges
We are frequently asked "How much would it be to...?" and in most cases we will have an answer.
However, not every case will involve the same fee or retainer. Generally, as with most agencies, we will require an up-front retainer, of which any unused portions will be returned to the client. We may charge a set fee, or a daily fee, or charge hourly, depending on the case and client request.
Once we receive a signed service agreement along with the required retainer we will begin the investigation as soon as possible.
Private Investigation Fees
An administration fee (case setup), is to be paid upon commencement of investigative services to be performed for the client. The retainer/deposit (30 - 50%) paid by client shall be debited by gross billable services performed and case related expenses incurred by Airmax Investigations to be charged at a rate of $ Please call per hour*, per person, and $1.00 per kilometre, per vehicle, plus any and all expenditures incurred.
The expenses are normally limited to public transport, accommodation and meals. Any other expenses will be first agreed by the client in advance.
* This rate will obviously vary according to the risk factor, gravity of the case and the time taken for the completion of investigation.
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In essences:
Investigative costs are calculated after determining the factors of the investigation. These factors include the type of investigation, tasks of the investigator to obtain the evidence needed, the location of the investigation and the activity of the subject being investigated. There is no need to pay for aspects of an investigation that may not be needed or helpful to your case. Please do not hesitate to make contact so we can have a greater understanding of how best to assist with your investigative needs.